// welcome 3.7

Access to housing, basic facilities, and healthcare. A vulnerable tier where commitment to the PRIME determines if you stay or go.


You often socialize with lower tiers, which negatively impacts your rating. Rather, expand your network with reputable individuals. -4

You helped an upper-tier citizen by returning their lost wallet to them. Excellent work! +12

You initiated rather awkward small talk in an elevator with an upper tier. They didn't like that. -14


Your vitals are stable. +1

Your appearance upkeep is paying off. Upper tiers find you very attractive. +8

You skipped breakfast today. Each morning should begin with a balanced breakfast. -4

Your chip detects decreased cortisol levels due to improved sleeping habits. +6


Do not skip your mandatory monthly psychological evaluations. -10

You moved on quickly after the exile of a distant connection from Tier 1. +1

This week, you set time aside for yourself. +6

Your feelings are easily hurt. You'll need thick skin if you want to tier up. -2


"A man who knows two languages is worth two men." You've mastered fluency in three. +15

You took up a new hobby and you're serious about improving.+10

You read often and it keeps your mind sharp. +3

Challenge yourself in the workplace, otherwise you're vulnerable. -8