3.721 | welcome, .

721 out of 1000
279 to TIER 4
Click your photo to see your attributes. Select a tier to learn of its advantages. You are currently in Tier 3 with a rating of 3.7.


You're in good shape with stable vitals. +1

Your appearance upkeep is paying off. High tiers find you very attractive. +8

You skipped breakfast today. Each morning should begin with a balanced meal. -4

Your chip detects decreased cortisol levels due to improved sleeping habits. +6


Do not skip your mandatory monthly psychological evaluations. -10

You moved on quickly after the exile of a distant connection from Tier 1. +1

This week, you set time aside for yourself. +6

Your feelings are easily hurt. You'll need thick skin if you want to tier up. -2


"A man who knows two languages is worth two men." You've mastered three of them. +15

You took up a new hobby and you're serious about improving. +10

You read often and it keeps your mind sharp. +3

Challenge yourself in the workplace, otherwise you're vulnerable. -8